
Social Networking sites do more harm tham good


The use of social networkings sites make millennials vulnerable to danger. Most millennials today are attached to social networking sites that whatever they do, they share it with the world through the use of internet. Because of this, most millennials are being the target of online offenders. 

Having an online profile in social networking sites increases the risk of becoming an online victim since you are sharing your personal information with others or online, which gives offenders higher chance to make you their victim. You are also prone to becoming a victim of cyber bullying since most bullies are more confident online than face-to-face. social networking sites reduces the productivity of a person since they will be distracted to use social networking sites without knowing how long they have been using it and with their time wasted they won’t be able to finish their work/task with the given time which result to decreased productivity for the day. Teenager who spend more time on social networking sites tends to communicate more online than face- to – face and have less time for their family. This also results to how communicate skills and weight gain since most teens eat while seating down on their chair for the whole day.

According to Huffington Post, 32% of online teens admit that they have experienced a range of menacing online advances from others. 13% admitted to receiving threatening or aggressive messages. 39% of teens on social networking sites have been cyber bullied. According to a survey, 36% of people surveyed listed social networking as the biggest waste of time. 34% of people reported to have less face-to-face communication with others which is one of the impact of social networking sites to teens.

However, social networking sites also have a positive side. It keeps one informed and be aware of his/her surrounding. Social networking sites connects/binds people together even if they are far away from each other. It also helps improve our lives by providing us with useful information and resources.

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